She eats for 500 rupees a month, neither goes to parlor nor buys water, the girl became a millionaire on the basis of miserliness!

We all have heard that saving is very important in life but not everyone understands its importance. It is even more difficult for working people to save because they often spend unnecessarily on various things. However, one who understands the importance of saving, prepares for his future in advance. A girl has done the same, although you will be stunned to hear her method of saving.

You will be surprised to hear that the girl takes a salary of around Rs 1.5 lakh per month, but when it comes to expenses, she spends every penny like a poor person. She does not spend even on her basic needs. This story is about a miser girl living in South Korea, who is making headlines because of her saving methods.

Saved 62 lakhs in 2 years
The age of the girl is only 25 years, at which age people spend their salary on traveling and fulfilling their hobbies. However, Ji Hyeon Kwak does not think so, she kept her focus on saving. He used to get a salary of Rs 1 lakh 37 thousand. Meanwhile, he saved 100 million won i.e. about Rs 62 lakh within 4 years. Now he claims that within two years he has again saved Rs 62 lakh. He told that in the first 4 years one had to work hard to save so much money, but this time it was quite easy.

Neither spend on food nor on grooming
Ji Hyeon says that she saves 90 percent of her salary and spends 10 percent of it. His monthly expenditure on food is 8,400 won i.e. Rs 523. For this she finds discount coupons and great deals. She even boils drinking water and drinks it, not buying it. Not only this, like other girls, she does not even go to a parlor for grooming or getting her hair cut, rather she does all the work herself.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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